Recently the Divorce Act was updated to include new information, and addressed outstanding issues that impacted families and parents.
Family Dispute Resolutions are "out of court" decisions that parents may make about children, parenting, child support, and property issues. Some of these issues can be resolved if the parties are able to collaboratively work together to address these issues moving forward for the family.
For more information visit:
To assist in the process of resolving the couple relationship, and planning for the children, the Justice Department, Government of Canada provides a wealth of information on their website. In this page, we highlight some of the resources which may be helpful for you and your family. For direct referrals with navigating systems, contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or connecting via the link at the end of this article.
Making Plans: A guide to parenting arrangements after separation or divorce
Parenting Planning tool is an online resource designed to assist parents with exploring the different areas they need to consider when planning to separate and divorce. A parenting planning checklist can also provide parents with a guide on the steps they should consider when making changes in their family, and supporting their children in the process.
To access this tool visit:
Parenting Planning Tool
Supporting families to make decisions that maintain peace within their families.
The Department of Justice, Government of Canada website lists information pertaining to access legal resources for Family Matters. You can access their website directory here:
Family Violence
The updated Act includes an understanding and assessment of family violence which could impact the divorce and separation proceedings, and make co-parenting difficult between the partes. Under the new Act, the definition and assessment criteria for Family Violence expanded, and included acts that were both criminal and disruptive within relationships. The Act considers the impact of family violence on children, which includes whether the child is the victim of violence or abuse, witnesses or hears someone being violent towards a family member, or sees a family member scared or injured due to violence. The Divorce Act also includes assessment criteria family court judges can use to determine the best case scenario for children within a separation or divorce.
For more information visit:
Resources for Children
Children also experience grief and loss when their family changes or there is a divorce or separation within the family. In Western culture, families are envisioned to consist of a "mom, dad, children, and a pet". When a family composition looks different, or changes children can experience feeling different than their peers. It is helpful to talk to children about their family, and create a normalized narrative about how special, unique, and loving their family is. It is further important to support children when a family changes due to a separation, or divorce.
The Government of Canada published a PDF book that can provide information to children, in a child friendly way. You can access the information here:
What Happens Next?
Information for children on separation and divorce
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