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Tuesday, 16 January 2024 12:56

Applying Anti-Black Racism to Practice

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Buzz words and terms that many lay people do not understand nor know how to apply these terms into their daily lives.

Defining Anti-Black Racism

Watch our video: Why do we March? narrated by Jordanna and Samantha, MSW students from the University of Windsor.

How does anti-Black racism impact our children's lives?

In Ontario, it means that Black babies experience a different life than other children. It means that you can expect racism exists throughout their childhood into their adulthood. It means that Black children don’t have access to the same treatment in health care. It means that Black girls don’t love their skin, and wish they were different. It means that Black boys feel like they are always in trouble, and nobody cares about them. It means that Black boys and girls are separated from their families, and placed in foster care. It means that they will remain in foster care, and may never return home or become adopted.

Racism starts from birth- this child is treated differently from utero and his outcome is determined by racism.  Equity means that we examine this systems in place that exist in healthcare, child welfare, the education system, the after school and daycare system, the public system, poverty and financial systems, housing systems, police and criminal justice systems, university and college system, careers, environmental systems.

This model is taught by Tina Lopes, Equity Leader

How does anti-Black racism impact youth emerging into adulthood?

Anti-Black racism impacts adulthood. It means that Black men and women enter relationships with inherent feelings of shame, worthlessness, and low self-confidence, and these stressors can negatively impact their relationships. It means that Black adults often feel isolated. They are rarely promoted to supervisor or managerial positions, although they have the education and the experience. It means that when they begin to speak in a meeting, they are often interrupted and their ideas disregarded. It changes you. It alters your personality.

How can you help?

For youth, it means that you create spaces for young people to use their voice. You educate them on how the system operates, and you give them tools on how they can dismantle the system. You give them choices. You give youth choices to create their own path, and where they experience barriers, you create a way. You encourage them, so youth can empower themselves. You create spaces for representation. People that look like them, to mentor and support them. You include their stories, their culture, and their lived experiences in your curriculum and reading lists. You post pictures of people that look like them on the wall, alongside the pictures of their friends. You promote & engage their success, their creativity, their art, their experiences, and their identity in spaces where they once felt ignored, and isolated. You learn to examine your own biases and belief systems, and you learn to accept guilt.

When you do, when you give Black youth space to develop and cultivate their identity… you develop a strong Black community, a stronger city and region, a stronger province and a much stronger nation. Imagine if all of our children had no barriers to access success? Imagine how far along we will be as a nation?

Want to learn more?

Join and follow the Kujenga Wellness Project

  • Take part events and participate in programs
  • Join the advisory group is a council of community members who provide guidance and support to the project for the next 3 years
  • Become a youth ambassador. Youth ambassadors play a critical role in promoting our programs, attending events, and learning about advocacy and civic engagement
  • Consider becoming a facilitator, workshop leaders, and/or writer who can provide a diverse sample of information about supports available for the Black community


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